Tuesday, August 23, 2011

101 in 1001.

My friend Jennie totally inspired me to do this. I've been working on it for a week or so now, just to make sure all of the things were important.

It's a list of 101 things I want to do in 1001 days (roughly 2 1/2 years). You should make one too :)

in progress

For Health:
1. Lose 10 lbs and maintain
2. Eat healthier collectively
3. Keep up with personal maintinence
4. Take vitamins regularly
5. Treat myself to a massage once a year (0/4)
6. Workout at least 3 times a week
7. Do more yoga
8. Run a marathon (of half)
9. Drink less

For my Mind:
10. Finish LOTR
11. Read a new book every month (0/33)
12. Finish my history "Intellectual Devotional"
13. Make all A's & B's my last year of college
14. Visit a new museum once a year (0/4)
15. Read 5 classic books
16. Graduate from college
17.Apply for Grad School

For my Soul:
18. Pray more
19. Visit my Dad's grave once a year
20. Reread the Bible
21. Attend church at least once a month (0/33)
22. Take a minute to reflect EVERYDAY

For adventure:
23. Go hiking someplace beautiful
24. Go to Europe
25. Visit the Northwest
26. Go skydiving
27. See the Grand Canyon
28. Visit Shiner, TX
29. Finish my "List of Places to Eat In Lubbock"
30. Stay in a Bed & Breakfast
31. Fly in first class
32. Go to a Renaissance Festival
33. Build a Snowman
34. Try Snowboarding
35. Cook a meal outside
36. Ride a Ferris Wheel
37. Ride a horse
38. Eat in a REALLY expensive restaurant
39. Enter a food festival
40. Go to the Beach

For others:
41. Buy someone flowers
42. Inspire someone else to make a list
43. Send out Christmas Cards every year (0/3)
44. Make a difference in someone's life
45. Buy my mom something wonderful
46. Buy someone a gift once a month (0/33)
47. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
48. Teach someone something new

For the "Housewife" in me:
49. Make homemade jam
50. Learn my family Kolache recipe
51. Make homemade beer
52. Make homeade bread
53. Have a garden
54. Host a dinner party
55. Host a cocktail party
56. Buy a sewing machine and put it to use
57. Learn to make my Mom's Gumbo
58. Make peppermint ice cream during the holidays
59. Make homemade Sangria
60. Make homemade Doughnuts
61. Have a home bar
62. Make Rainbow cupcakes
63. Start a wine collection
64. Make an article of clothing
65. Cook for someone once a week

Little things:
66. Watch a sunrise
67. Carve my initials in a tree
68. Paint more
69. Have a lazy rainy day
70. Have brunch once a month
71. Go to a Farmer's Market
72. Buy an old tv
73. Sell a painting
74. Vote for President
75. Own a nice bag
76. Start recycling
77. Do a photoshoot
78. Eat from a food truck
79. Shoot a gun
80. Go apple picking
81. Start selling vintage

For Me:
82. Pay off my credit card
83. Have a "me" date once a month (0/33)
84. Adopt a pet
85. Save $40 a week for a new outfit
86. Get a new tattoo
87. Save $100 a month
88. Get a job I love
89. Spend a weekend away with my love
90. Buy a bicycle
91. Always dress like a lady
92. Say "I Love You" everyday
93. Go to a movie alone
94. Try a new food once a month (0/33)
95. Go 24 hours without social media once a month
96. Learn a song on the guitar
97. Stand up for something I believe in
98. Own 50 records (6/50)
99. Complete my "The One Hundred" Collection
100. See someone amazing in concert
101. Master a new recipe once a month (0/33)

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